Best Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional medicine , in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture is a pseudoscience ,the theories and practices of TCM are not based on scientific knowledge and it has been characterized as quackery , in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Which originated in different philosophies and techniques.
The ancient Chinese believed that illness was caused by an imbalance or blockage in one of the natural forces (yin or yang) flowing through channels called meridians. Acupuncture can help unblock these energy pathways to restore balance and health.
Here we list the Top 10 Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore.
1. Magi Acupuncture Treatment Center
Magi acupuncture clinic is one of the Best Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore. It has a well-equipped clinic with all the modern equipment. This clinic has a large and separate waiting , consultation areas which allow enough space for patients to wait conveniently at the clinic .
Phone: 9842260304,
address: 515, Abinaya Complex, Ganapathy, Coimbatore.
2. Olive Acupuncture Clinic
Olive Acupuncture Clinic is included in Top 10 Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore. "HEALTHY LIFE IS PRICELESS GIFT" (SINCE 1999) Olive needle therapy facility advances regularly and mending through needle therapy and correlative treatments. We are focused on the greatest of normal care,promoting wellbeing and riches and anticipation of infection.
Address:169 B NS Complex,{TAICO Bank}Rajunaidu layout 2nd street, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore-641012
3. Kovai Acupuncture Academy
Kovai Acupuncture Academy is the Best Acupuncture Hospital in Coimbatore. Kovai Acupuncture institute is an exceptional center with all the advanced hardware .
The facility has separate stopping and advice districts which license adequate space for patients to remain by favorably at the middle. Being a particular Acupuncture Doctor, the expert offers different clinical advantages. The middle is useful between 10:00-17:30 - 13:00-19:30. Portions can be made through various modes like Cash.
Address: # 131/2, Nila Complex, 1st Street Extension, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram,Coimbatore -641012
4. Acupuncture Home
Acupuncture home is the place to find the finest Acupuncture Doctor in Coimbatore. Acupuncture home is the modern homely acupuncture center which is the oldest traditional home and Logical examination has not seen as any histological or physiological proof for customary Chinese ideas like qi, meridians, and needle therapy focuses.
address: # G 10, Maiyura complex, Gnanambika Mills, Coimbatore- 641029,
5. Ajantha Acupuncture Clinic
Ajantha acupuncture clinic is the place for Best Acupuncture Treatment in Coimbatore. Ajantha acupuncture clinic is the traditional herbal products used by the authorized material clinic in coimbatore. The highest quality of natural care,promoting health and wealth and prevention of disease.
Phone :9443310015
Address: No. 40,Sir Shanmugam Radd, Near Annapoorna, RS Puram, Coimbatore- 641002.
6. SAFA Health Care Center
SAFA HEALTH CARE Center is the Best Acupuncture Treatment in Coimbatore. SAFA HEALTH CARE Center is situated in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and is essential for the Office Administrative Services Industry. SAFA HEALTH CARE Center has 14 complete representatives across its areas as a whole.
Address:# 5/19 Mosque Street, Near Padhmavathy Hospital, Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore-641030
7. Jingluo Health Club and Acupuncture Clinic
Jingluo Health Club is the Treatment for Acupuncture Coimbatore. Jingluo Health Club is Expand your Lifespan Therapies Practiced Acupuncture, Acupressure, Auriculo treatment, Consulting, Reflexology, Twist treatment, Dorn treatment, Sujok treatment, Moxa treatment, Color treatment, Seeds treatment, Spine rub, Cupping Therapy, Chiropractic, Jing Luo Quick Heal Therapy, Jingluo Quick Taping Therapy, Jingluo Marma and Varma treatment.
Address:166, Prithivee complex , 1st Floor, Sathy Rd, Near Suriya Hospitals, Ganapathy, Coimbatore- 641006
8. Bagavathi Acupressure Clinic
Bagavathi acupuncture clinic is the Best Clinic for Acupuncture in Coimbatore. Bagavathi acupuncture clinic center is located in the coimbatore region.its the south coimbatore greatest and well developed clinic in region.The clinic has separate pausing and counsel regions which permit sufficient room by advantageously at the center.
phone: 9942245398
Address: # 27, Cowley Brown Road East, Near Union Bank Of India,
Coimbatore, RS Puram-641002
9. Anushri Acupuncture & Varma Research Clinic
Anushri Acupuncture and Varma Research Clinic is one of the popular Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore. Anushri Acupuncture and Varma Research Clinic is a Clinic in Siddhapudur, Coimbatore. The center is visited by acupuncturists like Mr. SP Chandrasekaran. The timings of Anushri Acupuncture And Varma Research Clinic are: Mon-Sat: 11:00-13:00, 16:00-19:00. Click on guide to track down bearings to arrive at Anushri Acupuncture And Varma Research Clinic
phone: 9894343114
address: 71-74 Venkatasamy Rd, New Siddhapudur, Coimbatore- 641044
R K NatureCure Home is included in Top 10 Acupuncture Clinics in Coimbatore. R K Nature Cure Home was established by Dr. Krishnasamy Gounder, in 1984, to engender the advantages of mending and relieving through the force of nature and nature-driven treatments.
With developing worldwide acknowledgment of the force of nature fix, the home has been as of late revamped and remade to oblige fresher strategies and treatments in the study of nature fix.
Great many individuals from everywhere the world have embraced the Naturopathy lifestyle, since the initiation of R K Nature Cure Home.
address: # 12,Krishna Layout, Behind Roots Group of Companies,Ganapathy, Coimbatore-641006,