Many hospitals and other several organizations are conducting blood donation camps in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. Blood Donors can also visit their nearby blood banks in hospitals to donate blood or they can directly donate to a receiver. Despite the shortage of Voluntary Blood Donors, The government and other organizations created awareness by their extreme efforts over the years.
This combined action led to decrease in the demand for blood and the supply gap. Mostly all people can provide blood if they are in good health condition. Yet, there are some basic safety requirements one need to fulfill in order to become an Active blood donor.
Below is some basic eligibility for Donating Blood:
è Any Blood donor, who is healthy, fit and not suffering from any transmittable diseases, can donate blood
è Blood Donor must be 18 - 60 years old
è Blood Donor having a minimum weight of 50Kg can donate blood
è Donor’s Haemoglobin level is 12.0 g/dl for females and not less than 13.0 g/dl for males.
è A donor can again donate blood after 3 months of your last donation of blood.
è Pulse rate must be between 50 to 100mm without any irregularities.
è Donor’s Blood Pressure must be Diastolic 50 to 100 mm Hg and Systolic 100 to 180 mm Hg approximately.
è Body temperature should be normal and oral temperature should not exceed 37.5 degree Celsius.
è The donor shall be free from acute respiratory diseases
è Donors should not suffer from any these diseases below;
è Blood cant Donate before 6 months with the person having History of Blood transfusion
è Donors can donate blood after 1 year of Rabies vaccination
è Typhoid Patients can donate blood only after 12 months of the recovery
è Womens with bad miscarriage issues should avoid donating blood for the next 6 months.
è If the donors already donated blood or have been treated for Malaria within the last three months
è If the donor has undergone any immunization within the past one month
è If the donor should not consume alcohol within the last 24 hours
è HIV+ Patients must not Donate Blood
è The Donor cannot donate if they have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection.
è If the donor had any dental work, then they should wait for the next 24 hours for donating blood. If they had any major dental procedure, then the Donor is restricted for one month from donating blood.
è If you have recently had a tattoo, you cannot donate for 6 from the date of the procedures.
è Donors can donate blood after the 12 hours, if they had any body piercing treatment in tongue, nose, belly button or genital areas was performed by a registered health professional and any inflammation has been settled completely. Donors with pierced ears are eligible for donating blood.
è Donors can’t donate the blood if they don’t meet the minimum haemoglobin level for blood donation
è You must not Donate the blood: If you have injected any type of recreational drugs.
è Breastfeeding mothers are not advisable to donate blood until 3 months after their baby is significantly weaned
HOW to prepare yourself for donating blood?
How to keep yourself while Donating Blood?
While you are donating blood, relax yourself to the maximum and have a deep breath. There will be lesser painful or painless. Try to distract your eyes from the needle & blood bag by Listen to some music or watch some entertaining TV program.
Post Care after Donating Blood
Note: This data is for just Awareness & instructing purposes only and is not replace the advice of your doctors or health care providers. We encourage all you to discuss with your doctors for any clarifications or concerns that you may have.
Want to be a Blood Donor: Click Here