Basic Tips about Pencil Art

Basic Tips about Pencil Art


         The thing pencil, the word pencil derives from the latin word 'peniculus', 
Pencil is the most commonly used material of the drawing media, it is capable of giving a quick sketch.
The sharper the tip to finer the line. Pencils are a very dry medium, easy to sketch and easy to erase.

Types of pencils :

Steps to know :

Step 1 : people knows about the basic sketching,People have to practice some hand movements, before going to start sketching.
Step 2 : Two types of sketching papers: there are light weight paper and heavy weight paper, make sure that papers are only used for pencil sketching but not for others like crayon art or paintings.
Step 3 : Best paper for pencil art is Strathmore paper.
Step 4 : Size of papers are A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5.
Step 5 : Best pencil for pencil art is Steadtler.
Step 6 : First know the difference between the following shading pencils, Its starts from 6H to 8B which is most commonly used pencils by users.
Step 7 : The range H pencils is only for light shadings and sketching, but the range starts from B pencils is for hard shading and for darking portions.
Step 8 : Types of shadings: Stroke,texture,smudge,lines.
Step 9 : Most commonly used size paper for portrait art is A3.
Step 10 : draw a line grid, which is used to make a  perfect sketch.
Step 11 : At the first stage, people able to see outline of the drawing. that is what the foundation of the sketch, 
Flawless the lines and introduction until that is fulfilled which gives to people have caught the ideal portray.


Pencil to be used:

    STAEDTLER, one of the oldest industrial companies in Germany, takes advantage of the great tradition of Nuremberg pencil-makers, its decades of experience and significant headstart in the research and development of innovative products of the highest possible brand quality.

    -Premium quality pencil for writing, drawing and sketching on paper and matt drawing film.
    -Unbelievably break-resistant through special lead formulation and super-bonded lead.
    -Wide range of up to 20 degrees.
    -Lines reproduce well.
    -Wood from certified, sustainably managed forests.

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