Stay Home! Stay away from COVID-19..!!!!!
News of COVID-19 has put into pandemic & it been rapidly falling apart everywhere in the world from the front page of all the papers to social media. In December 2019, COVID-19 has resulted in the outbreak, with its origin in Wuhan, China and started to spread all over the world that results in the loss of many lives. Based on COVId-19, alarming levels of spread and severity have been taken into action to stop continuing further. During the past 4 weeks, the epidemic rise of COVID-19 has started to spread rapidly in region Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East with positively tested corona cases. COVID-19 is pandemic, where the diseases will lack the evidence of people affected all over the world.
At the time of such fast-spreading pandemic diseases, a better source of information is needed with the significant result of the infected case and their long term impact. Proper Vaccination for COVID-19 hasn’t been found yet, therefore lockdown in all regions has been extended with long term consequences. We pick up Covid-19 by touching surfaces contaminated with the new coronavirus, out of fear on surfaces and in the worst-hit of COVID areas. Teams of workers take initiatives to make environment protective and safeguard the public by spray a fog of disinfectant in plazas, parks, and public streets. Cleaning regimes have been implemented in offices, hospitals, shops, and restaurants have been increased in times.
What is corona? What are they & how do they spread?
Corona is a form of the virus that directly affects one's respiratory tract and also transfer from animals to humans. It also causes severe respiratory tract illness when not treated, also spread through social contact. The First founded case was in 1960, later in 2019 it causes a severe outbreak hence called COVID-19 as a pandemic. WHO (World health organization) says that people who are above 60 years, adults & poor immune systems are at high risk of this illness. You could find it easily with the symptoms that appear for you. It starts with fever, breathlessness, the cough that lasts for 2–14 days after the virus gets infected in you and make worse day by day. The report says that children are more complicated to this virus, where parents wonder about having to tackle this and make their kid not worried about it.
This is done to limit the spread of COVID-19, Shops selling non-essential items are to be closed along with major people gathering areas and all religious centers Gatherings of more than two people in public must be avoided.
Acceptable reasons to leave the house: shopping for necessities, medical needs, and other important necessities. Social distancing is a must because coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs the virus reach out to the opposite person in a fraction of time.
“The fewer time people spend together there is less chance of this happening”.
Self isolate you by staying at home if anyone seems to have such self isolate yourself by staying away from another person for 7 days. Limit your time spending with others in every place and use separate materials. We know this is a stressful time for people all over the world, it is a must to know what they can do right now to protect themselves, their families and people around them.
· Coughing & sneezing without proper protection
· Shaking hands between person and contact with them.
· Touching any surface that is contaminated with the virus and touching your face, nose and mouth
corona is more contagious thus affect people in their lifetime.
· Stay home and avoid gatherings of more than ten people.
· Social distancing by keeping the distancet of about six feet from others if you go out in public.
· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth without washed hands.
· Avoid close contact with people.
· Stay home if you are sick.
· Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
· Wear a facemask and it is a must to wear a facemask when you are around other people