Celebrating John Franklin Enders!!!

Celebrating John Franklin Enders!!!


Father of Vaccines - John Franklin Enders!!!

John Franklin Enders was a Famous American Biomedical Scientist known for his invents in the vaccine field and was a Nobel Laureate. He is called as "The Father of Modern Vaccines."

Enders was born on February 10th 1897 in West Hartford, Connecticut. His father, John Ostrom Enders, was the CEO of the Hartford National Bank and left him a treasure of $19 million upon his death. He was Educated at Noah Webster School in Hartford, and St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire. After attending at Yale University, he started his career at the United States Army Air Corps in 1918 as a flight instructor and a lieutenant.

After retracing from World War I, he finished his graduation from Yale University, where he was a member of Scroll and Key as well as Delta Kappa Epsilon. He chose real estate field in 1922, and tested diverse careers before picking the Biomedical field with a focal point on infectious diseases, attaining a Ph.D. at Harvard in 1930. Later Franklin joined as a faculty at Children's Hospital Boston.

John Franklin Enders died at the age of 88 in Waterford, Connecticut, on September 8th in 1985. He owned Honorary doctoral degrees from 13 universities at the time of death.

Successful Biomedical Career

  • Reported successful In Vitro Culture of an Animal Virus, Poliovirus (1949) along with Thomas Huckle Weller and Frederick Chapman Robbins
  • Enders and Peebles segregated Measles Virus in 1954 from a boy of 11 Year old named David Edmonston
  • Began advancement of Measles Vaccine in the same year
  • Franklins Crew started the testing on Mentally Retarded Children of 1,500 in New York city and in Nigeria counting with 4,000 Children

Triumphs of John Franklin Enders

  • Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences è 1946
  • Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (together with Frederick Chapman Robbins and Thomas Huckle Weller) è 1954
  • Kyle Award from the U.S. Public Health Service è 1955
  • Inducted into the Polio Hall of Fame è 1958
  • Robert Koch Prize è 1962
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom è 1963
  • Science Achievement Award from the American Medical Association è 1963
  • Foreign Member, Royal Society of London è 1967


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