Awareness towards Blood Donation

Awareness towards Blood Donation


123Coimbatore online directory serves Nooks & Corners and A 2 Z Information about Coimbatore city. We are proud to serve Blood Donors at Coimbatore. Get & Donate Blood at anytime & anywhere at Coimbatore with a Finger snap at!!! We are Honored in making 1000+ life savers & have achieved 10,000+ units being donated until now. 

Your Blood is precious, donate & save a life and make it divine!!!

Blood donation is a milestone towards service to Mankind!!!

Blood - 24 Carat Red Gold!!!

Blood Donor = Hero to Someone – Somewhere!!!

Blood Donation is one of the most significant contributions to the society as donated Blood is life saving for the needy. . . The body of the donor can rejuvenate the Blood within few days. It poses no hazard to the metabolism of the body. Blood is scarce. There is a lack of active Blood Donors to meet the needs of increased Blood demand. Blood Donation acts as a Therapeutic exercise. One of the Tremendous Challenges to Blood safety is accessing safe and suitable quantities of Blood. Safe supply of Blood is imperative to enable a wide spectrum of critical care procedures to be implemented in hospitals. Interactive Awareness on Blood Donation should be standardized to initiate awareness and opportunities for Blood Donation. Therefore, Blood Donation could be recommended that voluntary Blood Donations as often as possible may be therapeutically favorable to the Donors in terms of thrombotic complications and energetic Blood flow mechanisms. This becomes live through

Aren’t U gladsmiley??? U are a Life saver!!!

Donating blood few minutes becomes a lifetime for somebody else!!!

Donate Blood & feel the real peace in mind & soul!!!

Transmission of Blood throughout the year saves Millions of life all over the world every year. Even though there are many Blood Donors all over the world, still there is a lacking of Blood suppliers and hence face the challenge of Blood supply to the patients in the country.  Always be ready to be a life saver.

Heroes come in all types => O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B- , AB+ & AB-

Want to be a Life Saver??? Be one amongst the Blood Donor’s Family @ 123Coimbatore

You can give smilesmiley to many faces through Blood Donation

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